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Erasmus+ Projects

Youth Empowerment and Participation

Project summary :

As declared by the Council of the EU in 2018 (Res. 456), socioeconomic exclusion and democratic exclusion go hand in hand. Youth struggling with disadvantages are generally less active citizens and have less trust in institutions. Europe cannot afford wasted talent, social exclusion or disengagement among its youth. Young people should not only be architects of their own lives, but also contribute to positive change in society. Within this context, YEP project aims at activating young people from different background and context as Community - builder to provide a stronger contribution to the future of their respective realities , whether in urban or rural areas , with a closer connection to EU policies and the international ecosystem of young people and youth organization across Europe. A major awareness as well as a better knowledge of the European context, activities and policies will be the key to activate a renewed sense of citizenship that will foster the direct action of young people to connect with local and international policy - makers in order the shape their world and their future around 4 major pillars of European objectives (and included in the Erasmus + Horizontal Priorities):

  1. Inclusion and Diversity
  2. Digital Transformation
  3. Environment and fight against climate change
  4. Transnational Youth Initiatives
  5. Strategic Partnerships
  6. Capacity Building
  7. Meetings between young people and decision-makers.

Participation in democratic life Around these for major themes, young people from the countries involved , will participate in networking and awareness raising events and workshop at local and international level , giving priority to new methodologies such as the Virtual Exchange . The project activities will be based on different specific objectives of the EY Goals as well as on the 3 main concept defined in the EY Strategy, anamely:

  1. Engage;
  2. Connect;
  3. Empower.

Project number:101051412
Call: ERASMUS - YOUTH - 2021 - YOUTH - TOG
Granting authority: European Commission - EU
Start date: 01 jun 2022
Duration: 24 months

Consortium :


Visit the Facebook page of the project

1st Meeting took place to Bucharest : June 21st -22nd 2022

Promotion and information on the existence and nature of the project« YEP- Youth Empowerment and participation »

This Friday, August 19, 2022, we organized an awareness workshop with the aim of promoting and informing the public about the existence and nature of the project.The workshop took place in a room located in Jönköping (Barnarpsgatan 39 G), about 50 people participated in this workshop.
“YEP – Youth Empowerment and Participation” is a European project co-funded by the “ERASMUS+” programme and implemented by a consortium of partner organizations from Romania (In Varietate Concordia), Italy (Sinergie), Spain (Artifex Balear) and Sweden (Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid). The project, which started in June 2022 and will last until May 2024, has been conceived on the needs highlighted by the consortium in their respective countries and regions. The partners conducted needs assessment and recognised three main issues characterising youth population in Europe: poverty and social exclusion, access to services, participation, and empowerment. Participation and empowerment must be an all-encompassing element of any inclusive youth policy, especially in the current context of youth disengagement and disenchantment with democratic processes and growing social malaise in many countries. There is a clear need to engage more directly in dialogue and empowerment processes, at the macro (policy and decision making) and micro (personal, social development) levels, as well as in social and cultural participation. However, these opportunities are not always available.

Among other aims, the project is expected to achieve 3 results:

  1. Facilitator Guide and Toolkit for the Workshop on Engaging Political Decision Makers
  2. Creation and optimization of Y-NET Platform
  3. Digital Youth Lab: Consultation on youth participation and future development strategies: benefits and barriers.

Three organizations were invited to participate in this activity including: Unga Kan Habo (UKH), Demokrati för Barns Framtid (DBF), Development for Youth Future (DYF). Our organization Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid is involved in the promotion of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the World Program of Action for Youth.SOLIDARITET FÖR UNGDOMENS FRAMTID has strong expertise with educational programs and awareness-raising activities dealing with discrimination, integration and inclusion of children and young people.
Unga Kan Habo is a national non-profit organization that carries out activities in favor of young people. She is particularly interested in cultural, sporting and educational activities with the aim of improving the integration of migrants.
Demokrati för barns Framtid is a national, non-profit organization. The aim of the association is to strengthen the capacities of marginalized children and to promote their integration into Swedish society. The said association also carries out development work in Burundi.
Development for Youth Future is a non-profit association based in the municipality of Jönköping. It focuses its activities on projects that promote integration, in particular sport and culture.



On the 24th of September, 2022, the Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid – SUF organized a one-day roundtable on the theme: “Social inclusion, sustainability and equity: Awareness raising roundtable.” The roundtable was attended by more than 40 young people. It was conducted in Habo kommun. The choice of the above theme was based on YEP’s dissemination plan, particularly the objective of increasing awareness of the issue of social inclusion, environment and climate. It is in this regard that the roundtable aimed at increasing awareness of the youth on topics of social inclusion or exclusion, environment and climate, and intergenerational equity.

Content of the roundtable

After reminding the background and the main objectives of Youth Empowerment and Participation project, the facilitator, Dr. Jean-Bosco Habyarimana, divided the content of the roundtable into two parts. The first part focused on social inclusion and its opposite, social exclusion. Jean-Bosco made a lecture on what social inclusion is. Using a YouTube video by the Khan Academy, the facilitator established the difference between being include and being excluded. He highlighted factors that lead to exclusion such as poverty, ill health, discrimination, lack of education, job, or connection. Consequences of social exclusion include the tendency for those excluded to engage in criminal activities.

After the lecture, participants divided into 5 groups and discussed questions or topics that the facilitator provided. The questions centered on living in Sweden, working or studying in Sweden, and discrimination. With these guiding questions, participants demonstrated that they felt at peace living in Sweden, and were happy that education was a right for everyone, and that people could get jobs. Nonetheless, some groups observed that discrimination on basis of race was still alive in Sweden, even if hidden. They also argued that generally people with Swedish names are likely to get jobs easily comparing to those who migrated to Sweden.

In the second part, Jean-Bosco focused on sustainability and intergenerational equity. He also started with a lecture in which he used the funnel metaphor to explain sustainability and current challenges to sustainability and equity. The facilitator underlined how issues such as population growth, global demands in terms of resources and competition over scarce resources have increased the pressure on humans, undermining efforts for sustainability. Giving examples of YEP and other organizations whose activities emphasize sustainability and intergenerational equity, Jean-Bosco reminded participants that everyone had to play a role in ensuring that restorative initiatives are put in place to avoid environmental crisis beyond human capacity.

On this part, participants in their various groups demonstrated that certain behaviors, such as wasting food water and electricity, and having many kids especially among migrant families, were still characteristic of many people here in Sweden. They expressed the need to increase efforts for awareness creation, so that people can see the danger of irresponsible behavior that are not good for our future.

On October 22, 2022, Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid-SUF organized a round table on the themes: “Active citizenship and Green promoters”. The meeting took place in Jönköping in a room located on Barnarpsgatan 39 G.

The Legal Representative of “Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid-SUF”, Mr Thaddée NZIGENDAKO first reminded the participants the objectives of the “Youth Empowerment and Participation” project. Then he introduced the agenda and divided the content of the seminar into two parts. The first part was centered on “Active citizenship”. The facilitator established the difference between citizenship and nationality. Then he informed the participants about the citizen rights and duties. During this seminar, the facilitator also insisted on the importance of the participation of young people in social and political life. The second part of the round table concerned the protection of the environment. The facilitator developed a subject entitled “Green promoters”. He first defined the causes that contribute to environmental degradation. Then he highlighted the consequences of environmental degradation on biodiversity. In his presentation, the facilitator explained the causes of climate changes and how young people can get involved to contribute to the promotion of environmental protection and the practice of ecological transport.


On November 12, 2022, Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid organized a workshop on the theme: “Digital transformation and its importance for young people”. We chose this theme to stimulate the participation and engagement of young people to the use of digital transformation to shape society, relaying on the opportunities that these new technologies offer young people in the field of entrepreneurship and learning.
The facilitator for the day explained to the participants how young people can use the digital transformation as part of the learning and gave examples of sites dedicated to young computer enthusiasts who want to network with others to learn how to create software. He also pointed out the existence of tutorials on YouTube, which allows beginners to learn new subjects. He also reported that there are courses from internationally renowned universities that are broadcast online, and which are accessible to all and free of charge.
Regarding digital transformation and its use in the field of entrepreneurship, the facilitator underlined its importance for the improvement of existing services, job creation and online business. He gave examples of digital entrepreneurship and useful advice to become a digital entrepreneur. He also gave examples of websites that can help young people in this area.

Group discussions

Group work revealed that some schools do not give computer courses, which causes a handicap to immigrants to become quickly familiar and evolve with the digital transformation. They pointed out that they have no problem with internet and computer access. Although some establishments do not provide basic computer skills all schools provide computers to their students. They keep them, use them at school and at home and give them back at the end of the school year.


On november 19, 2022, a second workshop was organized on the theme “The role of young people in the fight against climate change” with the aim of sparking the minds of young people to engage themselves and participate in influencing the authorities to strengthen measures aiming at reducing greenhouse-effect gas.
The facilitator spoke first of the role of man in the degradation of the environment and its impact on climate changes. Then he explained how young people can contribute in the fight against climate changes. To motivate them to engage in this fight he gave the example of the young Swedish Greta Thunberg and her actions to reduce greenhouse gases. He also gave a list of 10 actions to be taken to contribute reduce these gases. The facilitator also informed participants that UNICEF supports young people who are mobilizing for advocacy in favor of the reduction of greenhouse gases and that it has set up a platform dedicated to young people, where you can find original ideas and sources of inspiration on issues that concern them.


The discussions revealed that some participants have never had an education in the environment. Others claimed to have heard of the protection of the environment in the geography course and greenhouse gases during chemistry. On the role young people can play in reducing greenhouse gases they said that their action is limited to sorting household waste before putting it in bins.


Considering the objectives set for WP2, it is very important to stimulate young people to participate in the social and civic life of the community from which they come, to hear their voice through different channels and to promote cooperation with other organizations. During these two workshops the facilitators gave websites that will allow participants to understand much more digital transformation and to engage in digital entrepreneurship or learning projects. The theme on digital entrepreneurship was of great interest to participants; during the exchanges they expressed their views on how to do business online; 2 attendees testified their experience in this field. Others have shown interest regarding e-learning: 3 participants asked the facilitator to show how to open an account on the “HP LIFE” website to get started learning new things. It should also be noted that some participants need basic computer skills. Regarding the second theme which was centered on the environment, it was noticed that some young people had no idea on the contribution of the Swedish Greta Thunberg. Some participants did not hide their surprise: they were amazed to hear how a young person under the age of 18 can do so at national and international level. They were also informed that UNICEF supports young people in advocacy and has created a platform of inspiration for youth issues.
Environmental and digital transformation challenges cannot find solutions without the participation of all stakeholders. One possible way would be to strengthen the skills of young people so that their action is not limited to sorting household waste but that they can contribute to fight against the changes through awareness-raising, advocacy, and other concrete actions. the capacity building in digital transformation should also be achieved at the level of all schools so that young people can easily take advantage of opportunities offered by new technologies. Governments, non-profits organizations, and the population in general should invest more to achieve sustainable development as quickly as possible.



On December 10, 2022, Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid organized a workshop on the theme “PARTICIPATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE SOCIAL AND CIVIC LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY”. The activity took place on premises located in jönköping on “Barnarpsgatan 39 G”. The facilitator first made the introduction based on the context in which the theme of the day is found. During the presentation, the facilitator informed the participants of the civic duties. Then he reviewed different ways to actively engage in the social and civic life of the community. During the discussions, the facilitator had planned a questionnaire of 7 questions which served as a debate on the involvement of young people in the social and civic life of the community. At the end of the discussions, 5 questions were raised the following:

1. Awareness of participation in social and civic life.

Participants gave different answers to this question. Some claim to have heard information about voting from their teachers. They said that the teachers informed them about the elections that took place in September of this year. Asked if there is a civics course in the schools, one of the participants told us that the students do not receive civics lessons at their establishment. He also reaffirmed that teachers talk to them about voting only when elections are approaching. The other participants said they were never sensitized to participate in social and civic life.

2. Contribution of young people in social and civic life.

Given that there are documented acts of crime in the communities in which many immigrants are concentrated, in this context some of the participants were able to express their wish to contribute to the consolidation of peace, the prevention of conflict and violence, and the promotion of mutual tolerance in the fight against all forms of discrimination.

3. Obstacles that prevent young people to realize their ideas within the community.

The facilitator discussed this question because he wanted to know if young people find it difficult to be useful in the society in which they live. The participants said that it is not easy to achieve something because they are a minority in their neighborhood. They also think that the Swedes cannot adhere to actions initiated by immigrants, which hinders them from getting involved because Swedes underestimate them.

4. Join political parties, elect, and be elected to be a member of a decision-making body?

The opinions of the participants differ on this question. A part seems not to be interested in political parties. Another part find that membership does not cause problems for them. Asked whether they were sensitized to join political parties, they answered no. However, they claim that members of political parties go from house to house to deposit propaganda documents in mailboxes when the elections are approaching. They also said that they do not participate in the votes for lack of sufficient information on the different political parties and on the people to vote. They also reported that they cannot get elected because they are not well enough known in their communities.

5. Advocacy

Participants said that immigrants aged 16 and over experience learning difficulties. They pointed out that they spend more time learning Swedish and have little chance of going to university. They also made it known that the Swedish education system does not give value to the school documents of pupils aged 16 and over from countries outside Europe and grants many more favors to immigrants from the European Union. They ask the decision-making bodies to review the education of immigrants from non-European Union countries, to facilitate their access to university studies. According to the participants, this would allow them to participate and engage themselves actively.


On December 17, 2022, we organized a workshop on the theme “Environmental issues”. The activity took place in Jönköping in a room located on Barnarpsgatan 39 G. The facilitator first presented the project “Youth Empowerment and Participation” - YEP in acronym then passed on the subject to the agenda. Addressing the participants, the facilitator divided the theme into 5 main chapters namely: definition, causes of environmental problems, environmental problems, consequences related to environmental problems, and solutions to environmental problems. These chapters constituted the first part of the workshop. During the workshop, the participants showed great interest in knowing much more about environmental issues. In fact, this theme raised the participation of all those who had responded to the meeting. Among the participants were two children aged 8-9 years. The latter were very active in the same way as their elders, from the beginning to the end of the workshop the participation was 100%. The 2nd part was reserved for a discussion session. The facilitator had planned 6 questions that were the subject of fruitful exchanges, and which brought out important observations: one of the participants suggested that young people can contribute to the correct sorting of household waste (in their respective families), another said that young people can contribute by using electricity rationally, another suggested limiting the use of plastic materials. Regarding the general recommendations, the participants indicated that planting trees, using solar energy, and public transport can reduce environmental problems. As for governments, they have recommended taking the necessary measures to ban all advertising that encourages people to adopt consumption that contributes to the destruction of the environment. Regarding air transport, participants call on governments to limit the use of private jets. They also said that governments should create strict laws to punish those who aggressively modify natural areas. They also said that environmental education is insufficient at the school level and that it is very important that the Swedish government increases the number of hours of lessons on the environment.


Given the objectives set for WP2, it is very important to stimulate young people to participate in the social and civic life of the community from which they come, to make their voices heard through different channels, and to promote cooperation with other organizations. The participants had the opportunity to express themselves on the 2 themes, they noted the difficulties and proposed some solutions. At the same time, they issued recommendations to decision-making bodies. Regarding the participation of young people in the social and civic life of the community, the government is called upon to strengthen the capacities of young people in civic education, and to remove all the obstacles that limit or prevent the engagement of young people; political party leaders should review their propaganda system to motivate immigrants to civic participation. Regarding environmental issues, the government should review environmental education at the school level and take all necessary measures for environmental protection.

On February 17 th , 2023 Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid -SUF organized a workshop on the theme “EU Strategy for Youth”. During his presentation, the facilitator told first to the participants that the goal of the strategy is to foster youth participation in democratic life; to support social and civic engagement and to ensure that all young people have the necessary resources to take part in society. He then explained to the participants that this strategy is subdivided into three main axes namely: Engage, Connect and Empower and that its implementation is based on the achievement of 11 objectives: Connecting EU with Youth, Equality of All Genders, Inclusive societies, Information & Constructive Dialogue, Mental health & Wellbeing, Moving Rural Youth Forward, Quality Learning, Space and Participation for All, Sustainable Green Europe, Youth organizations & European Programmes. For more details you can consult EU Youth Strategy by opening this link:

On February 24, 2023, Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid-SUF organized a workshop on the theme: The environmental issues. The activity took place in Jönköping in a room located at Birkagården 12 B. Taking the floor, the facilitator first made a brief presentation of the "Youth Empowerment and Participation" project, then told the participants the objectives of WP 2 before tackling the subject on the agenda. During his presentation, the facilitator first gave the definition of the environment and that of an environmental problem. During this workshop, the facilitator focused on: the causes, the kinds, and the consequences of the problems environmental issues as well as the solutions to these problems. During the workshop, the participants showed great interest in knowing much more about environmental issues. This theme aroused the participation of all those who had responded to the meeting. Before the end of the workshop, the facilitator gave the participants the opportunity to express themselves on the subject; during the discussions, the latter were able to express their points of view and made some recommendations.
Discussions: During the discussions, the participants in this workshop led a debate that shows that young people today are interested in the protection of the environment. A 10-year-old child named SIBOMANA Mpore told us about his environmental protection initiative. SIBOMANA Mpore is a child from the Democratic Republic of Congo, in sub-Saharan Africa; he arrived in Sweden in August 2021. For the second time, he participated in a workshop on the environment on February 24, 2023. At the school of Habo where he studies, he advises his comrades not to throw waste on the school grounds. Despite his good initiative, his comrades make fun of him and some of them scold him.
Youth engagement: the young people who participated in this workshop promised that they will contribute to the protection of the environment by sensitization, proper sorting, and disposal of household waste, limiting the use of non-biodegradable bags, the limitation of consumption of products packaged in plastic bags and the use of ecological transport.
Advocacy: Participants made some recommendations to the government and civil society:

- they asked the government to create strict laws to punish those who aggressively modify natural areas;
- they recommended that environmental education be introduced at the primary and secondary school level;
- they recommended that the heads of civil society organizations become much more involved in raising awareness of environmental protection.

E U youth opportunities

On March 17, 2023 we organized a workshop on the theme “European youth opportunities”. The activity took place in a room located on Birkagården 12B in Jönköping. Taking the floor, the facilitator first made a brief presentation of the "Youth Empowerment and Participation -YEP" project; then he presented to the participants the objectives of WP 2 . Addressing the theme of the day, the facilitator informed the participants of the 9 European EU Youth opportunities, namely: Erasmus+; European Solidarity Corps; Discover EU; EU youth Dialogue; European youth week; Youth Guarantee; Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs; Traineeships; Your first EURES job . During the presentation, the participants carefully followed the explanations of the facilitator. The second part of the workshop was reserved for questions and answers, which gave paricipants the opportunity to express themselves on the subject that was on the agenda.
Discussions: During this second part of the workshop, the participants showed their interest in knowing much more about the opportunities of the European Union in favor of youth. They asked questions to the facilitator which allowed them to have more information.
Engagement: A survey done at the end of the workshop showed that young people would like to engage in projects of solidarity, dialogue, and entrepreneurship.

Sorting household waste at home

On March 24, Solidaritet Ungdomens Framtid -SUF organized a workshop on the theme “Sorting household waste at home.” The activity took place in a building located on Birkagåden 12 B in Jönköping. The peculiarity for this workshop is that there were 3 speakers. During the first part of the workshop, the facilitator who was the main speaker made the presentation of the project “Youth empowerment and Participation-YEP. Then he explained the objectives of WP2 to the participants. During the second part, two young ladies: Jessica Byusa and Gray Eurydice Kaze, took turns presenting on the sorting of household waste at home. During their intervention Jessica Byusa and Grey Eurydice KAZE explained how to manage waste before putting it in bins. Participants listened carefully to their classmates and asked questions for more information.
Discussion: During the third part of the workshop, the participants discussed the subject of the day and the debate was fruitful. Mrs. Chantal MUREKERISONI who participated in this workshop advised the participants to wash the boxes used for packaging milk before putting them in the trash cans. She explained by saying that this helps to avoid the bad smells that can occur as a result of decomposing leftover milk from the packaging boxes. Some young people have reported that there are schools that do not have enough trash cans, which makes sorting impossible in some schools.
Engagement: As young people today are very sensitive when it comes to protecting the environment, participants promised to get involved through awareness raising.
Advocacy: Before closing the workshop, the participants made the following recommendations:

- Introduce a course on environmental education at school level;
- Identify and punish people who do not properly sort household waste;
- Check and put enough bins in squares and public establishments.

Youth participation is crucial for building a more inclusive, fair, and representative society. In Europe, young people play a fundamental role in shaping their own future and that of the continent, and therefore it is important that they have a say in decisions that concern them.

To support and promote youth participation, the European Union has created various dedicated programs and tools. Here are some of the most important:

💬 Youth Dialogue: a mechanism for dialogue between young people and decision-makers as part of the EU Youth Strategy.
📚 Erasmus+ Youth Participation Activities: non-formal education and training that encourage and facilitate the participation of young people in Europe's democratic life at local, regional, national, and European levels.
🌍 European Youth Event: Every two years, the EYE brings together thousands of young people from across the European Union and beyond to shape and share their ideas on the future of Europe.
💼 European Parliament Ambassador School Programme: Provides students with the opportunity to understand their rights as EU citizens and learn how to actively participate in the EU's democratic processes.
🎓 University on Youth and Development: a space for meeting, training, and action planning that brings together hundreds of young people, youth workers, experts, and decision-makers responsible for youth-related policies for one week.
🌊 Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship: brings together representatives of youth organizations and youth movements to discuss, train, and be trained around issues of democratic participation and global citizenship.
Link :


In Europe, where the youth unemployment rate is relatively high, ensuring that young people are able to participate in the economy is even more important. Unfortunately, a significant proportion of young people in Europe are neither in employment, education, nor training (NEET).

In the Eurodesk 2022 survey, 7.5% of the respondents can be recognised as NEETs, in comparison to 92.5% of respondents in education or employment. Most of the NEETs can be found in young people between 24 to 29 years of age.

The NEET phenomenon is a serious issue for several reasons. Firstly, young people who are not in employment, education, or training are more likely to experience social exclusion and poverty. They may also face difficulties in finding employment in the future, as they lack the skills and experience that employers are looking for.

Moreover, the NEET phenomenon can have negative consequences for society as a whole. It can lead to a loss of talent and potential, as many young people who are NEET have skills and talents that are not being fully utilized. This can have a negative impact on economic growth, innovation, and social cohesion.

It is therefore essential that we take action to support young people's economic participation. This can involve measures such as improving education and training opportunities, increasing access to employment, and providing support for entrepreneurship and self-employment. By doing so, we can help to ensure that young people are able to fully participate in society and contribute to a more prosperous and inclusive future.

Link: content/uploads/2022/06/ED_survey_22_WEB_Final.pdf


President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said: “Gender equality is a core principle of the European Union, but it is not yet a reality. In business, politics and society as a whole, we can only reach our full potential if we use all of our talent and diversity. Using only half of the population, half of the ideas or half of the energy is not good enough. With the Gender Equality Strategy, we are pushing for more and faster progress to promote equality between men and women.”


Young women's participation in society is crucial for building a more inclusive and equal world. Unfortunately, gender inequality is still a major issue in many areas, from education to employment, politics, and beyond. According to the latest data from Eurostat, the NEET rate among young women in the European Union was 15.3% in 2020, which means that over one in seven young women between the ages of 15 and 24 were not in employment, education, or training. This is a worrying trend that can have long-term consequences not only for the individuals affected but also for society as a whole. NEET young women are more likely to experience poverty, social exclusion, and poor health outcomes, which can limit their opportunities and prospects for the future. It's essential that authorities involve young people, including those from disadvantaged groups such as ethnic, national, social, sexual, cultural, religious, and linguistic minorities, in community processes. To truly engage young people, including women and girls from disadvantaged groups, in community affairs, authorities can use several instruments, such as educating them about public participation, informing them about opportunities, using technology to convey information and receive feedback, and supporting the development of their projects and initiatives to recognize the importance of their involvement in community life and volunteer work.

The European Solidarity Corps

Are you between 18 and 30 and looking for an opportunity to help the wider community, in Europe and beyond?

You could do this with funding and support from the European Solidarity Corps, which helps young people take part in projects that benefit communities, either abroad or in their own country.

These projects offer an inspiring and empowering experience, as well as the chance to bring change while developing your skills and competences.

So what can you do?

Broadly, you can get involved in:

    1. volunteering
    2. traineeships (whereas traineeships can still run this year funded by the budget from the previous programme, please be aware that in the new programme 2021-2027 they are discontinued)
    3. jobs (whereas jobs can still run this year funded by the budget from the previous programme, please be aware that in the new programme 2021-2027 they are discontinued)
    4. local Solidarity Projects
    5. Humanitarian aid volunteering (European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps)

These can be in a wide range of fields – education and training, citizenship and democratic participation, environment and natural protection, migration, culture, humanitarian aid, and many others.

The fight against poverty, social exclusion and discrimination

Legal basis

Article 3(3) of the Treaty on European Union, Articles 19, 145-161 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and Title III of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (EUCFR).


Combating poverty and social exclusion is one of the specific social policy goals of the EU and its Member States. In accordance with Article 153 TFEU, social inclusion is to be achieved solely on the basis of non-legislative cooperation – the open method of coordination (OMC) – while Article 19 TFEU allows the EU to take action to fight discrimination both by offering legal protection for potential victims and by establishing incentive measures.



In June 2022, in consortium with SOLIDARITET FÖR UNGDOMENS FRAMTID from Sweden, IN VARIETATE CONCORDIA from Romania, SINERGIE from Italy and ARTIFEX BALEAR from Spain we started a project called “Youth Empowerment and Participation – YEP”. In March 2023, in collaboration with a Spanish organization called Inercia Digital we started another project called “Digipreneurship Education to Bridge Skills Gap in Youth Work -YOUTH-UP”. These projects are funded by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus + Program.

However, we encounter many difficulties in reaching many more young people. In the implementation of these projects we are supported by the NBV( Nykterhetsrörelsens bildningsverksamhet) which is a strong Swedish organization which intervenes in the field of training, associative activities, cultural events, concerts and conferences. The NBV is also an organization that promotes democracy, sobriety and fights against the abusive consumption of drugs and alcohol. On August 16, 2023, our project team met at her office, Mrs. Isabell Åkesson (in the photo, she is sitting in front of a computer) responsible for business development. The aim of the meeting was to analyze possible ways and means so that many more young people can participate in the projects we carry out. Before the end of the meeting, we developed some strategies aimed at getting more young people involved in our projects and we hope that their participation will be massive in the future.



As every tonne of CO2 emitted contributes to global warming, all emissions reductions contribute to slowing it down. In order to stop global warming completely, CO2 emissions have to reach net zero worldwide. In addition, reducing emissions of other greenhouse gases, such as methane, can also have a powerful effect on slowing global warming – especially in the short term. The consequences of climate change are extremely serious, and affect many aspects of our lives. Both countering climate change and adapting to a warming world are top priorities for the EU.We need climate action now. Find out about what the EU is doing to fight the climate crisis.


Digital entrepreneurship is a term that encompasses online businesses that individuals create and run. Online entrepreneurial ventures can be sources of passive income or active sites for selling goods and services. This can offer an entrepreneur new way of finding customers, reducing costs and collaborating with others. Digital entrepreneurs combine business, market knowledge and network technology to reinvent traditional business practices through digitization.
For more information click on the link.


A better understanding of how and why young entrepreneurs in South Asia and South-East Asia use digital financial services and digital business solutions can fuel inclusive growth and youth entrepreneurship in those regions. This report offers an up-to-date regional picture of trends related to youth entrepreneurship and financial inclusion based on results from Findex and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) survey data, as well as qualitative insights from an online survey of 64 young entrepreneurs. Our analysis found that youth enterprises in South Asia and South-East Asia use digital platforms mainly for marketing, sales and business operations; we also found interesting examples of companies that use digital solutions to promote inclusive growth, education, and health. There has been a rapid expansion in youth using digital payments, including mobile money, although this growth has mostly occurred among more educated and richer youth. With rapid technological growth there is an increased opportunity to better link digital finance and business platforms for young entrepreneurs, especially for developing countries. There is also a need for a wider range of digital financial service offerings, including savings, remittances and credit, and for these services to be better tailored to the needs of existing youth enterprises. The study recommends some alternative fintech solutions that can help fulfil this need.


If you’ve got a great idea for an online business, now’s the time to strike. Here are the ins and outs of becoming a digital entrepreneur.
Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business? It’s a common aspiration -- the flexibility to create your own schedule, the freedom to drive business in the direction you desire, and the possibility to earn more than a standard, salaried job.
Yes, it takes concrete planning and a hoard of resources to launch your idea, but your timing couldn’t be better. Due to the fluctuating work environment from COVID-19, the reasons to become an entrepreneur are plentiful.
We’re going to focus exclusively on starting an online business since the pandemic is driving more and more of life to the virtual domain. An online income source is a great solution for the immediate now, plus it’ll allow you a long-term work-life balance, something so many of us crave.



On December 22, 2023, we organized a workshop on the theme “European Union Youth Opportunities”.
The activity took place in Jönköping in a room located at Västra Storgatan 6.
The speaker first presented the “Youth Empowerment and Participation” project as well as the WP2 objectives.
In the introduction, he informed the participants that the European Union has the ambition to promote the participation of young people in democratic life, supports their social and civic engagement and aims to guarantee that all have the necessary resources to participate in the society. During the activity, the speaker explained the 9 opportunities that the European Union has made available to young people, such as: Erasmus+program, European Solidarity Corps Program,DiscoverEu, Eu Youth Dialogue, European Youth week, Youth Garantee, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Traineeships , Youth first Eures job.


Friday December 8, 2023, we organized a workshop on the theme “Climate change”. The activity was held in Jönköping, Av. Västra Storgan 6. In the introduction, the speaker first presented the Youth Empowerment and Participation Project and WP2 objectives to the participants.

During the presentation, the speaker defined climate change as long-term variations in temperature and weather patterns and that human activities are the main causes of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.

He also explained to participants that populations are experiencing the consequences of climate change in various ways. In a very precise manner, the speaker explained to the participants that the consequences due to climate change have a negative impact on human health and biodiversity in general, and that they also lead to intense droughts, water shortages, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, and catastrophic storms.

He also informed participants that many solutions exist to fight against climate change. He made it clear that the 3 main categories of action to be considered are: reducing gas emissions, adapting to the effects of climate change and financing the necessary adjustments.

Environmental Protection


One of the most common environmental protection definitions involves organisations and governments taking steps in order to protect the natural world.[1] Sometimes referred to as "environmental preservation", this concept has become even more important in these challenging times. Let us examine environmental protection from a practical point of view before addressing a handful of ways to save the environment as well as what the future may have in store.

What are the Primary Goals of Environmental Protection?

While it is already obvious that environmental protection is concerned with the ability to save our environment, another primary tenet involves the relationship of humans with the environment. This is why industry experts also cite the aim to improve our very existence while simultaneously conserving vital resources that may take hundreds (or even thousands) of years to restore once they have become depleted.[2]

What Issues Does Environmental Protection Aim to Address?

Environmental protection organisations are concerned with several variables. While human-induced climate change is currently the most relevant threat, there are other issues which environmental protection services address including [3]:

  • Pollution
  • Overpopulation
  • Waste disposal!
  • Deforestation
  • A loss of biodiversity

As we can see, there are a wide range of topics to tackle. The associated environmental protection solutions will therefore need to be targeted in a specific manner. To learn more about how the team at SFC Energy is doing their part, be sure to contact us directly.


The topics and priorities identified in the context of the EU Youth Dialogue may serve as inspiration for Youth participation activities at all levels. A similar source of inspiration might be found in the EU Youth Goals developed in the EU Youth Dialogue and which identify cross-sectoral areas affecting young people’s lives and pointing out challenges. Furthermore, results of successful Youth participation activities may be used as input for further stages of the EU Youth Dialogue.
